The University will be managed by a regularly constituted Governing Body. The composition, functions and other conditions pertaining to the Governing Body shall be as prescribed in the Statutes of the University.
Members of the Governing Body should uphold the ideals enshrined in the University’s Handbook of Human Values and Professional Ethics.
No property of Trust will be used for personal benefits.
The members of Governing Body should maintain their character, transparency, mannerisms and good image.
The members of the Governing Body can obtain professional service from the Trust employee as and when required.
Members of the Governing Body should not express non-satisfaction with any decision made by the Board of Management. It should be discussed or expressed in the meeting only and one must respect majority taking the decisions.
If any member of Governing Body needs any primary information from constituent institutions, he/she should communicate with the Head of Institution.
If any misbehavior and action by the employee defames the University / Institution, it should be communicated to the Registrar orally or in writing.
All members of the Governing Body should keep in mind that no person is greater than University / Institution.
The Governing Body should receive all communication in writingfrom the Head of Institution(s) and in the same way the Governing Body will reciprocate.
The Governing Body should respect other members’ opinions and give them a chance to express themselves and if necessary, permit them to register contradictory opinions.