Independence Day – Nayandeep (Freedom from Cataract Blindness) Project Inaugurated
15th August, 2021
The 75th Indian Independence Day was celebrated with immense enthusiasm. This day has special importance and a sense of pride among all Indians. The hoisting of the Tricolour Indian National Flag was done in the presence of students and staff of Index Group of Institutions, Malwanchal University.
On the auspicious occasion of Independence Day, “Nayandeep project”aimed at meaning ‘Freedom from Cataract Blindness’ was inauguratedin Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Center. On this occasion, Dr. Vandana Telgote (Professor & Head, Department of Ophthalmology) welcomed all the guests and Dr. Sudhir Mahashabde (Director, Dept of Ophthalmology) explained in detail about the project ‘Nayandeep”.
Cataract is a disease that may affect almost anyone with advancing age. If this disease is not treated timely, it may lead to blindness.
The following dignitaries graced the inaugural ceremony of “Nayandeep” Project:
Shri Suresh Singh Bhadoria (Chairman, Index Group of Institutions)
Shri Mayank raj Singh Bhadoria (Vice-Chairman, Index Group of Institutions)
Dr G S Patel (Dean,Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Center)
Dr Vandana Telgote (Professor & Head, Dept of Ophthalmology)
Dr Sudhir Mahashabde (Director, Dept of Ophthalmology)
Dr K K Saxena (Ex-Medical Superintendent, Index Hospital)
Dr B K Agarwal (PG Director, Index Medical College)
Dr Satish Karandikar (Dean, Index Institute of Dental Sciences)
Dr Reshma Khurana (Principal, Department of Physiotherapy and Paramedical Sciences)
Dr Javed Khan Pathan (Principal, Department of Pharmacy)
Dr Sonali Mittal (Ophthalmologist)
Dr Supriya Mushriff (Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology)
Dr Swati Saxena (Ophthalmologist)
Dr Sudhir Mahashabde explained that cataract treatment is possible, but even today, due to lack of awareness and lack of good health facilities in rural areas, many people are unable to get timely treatment. It may have serious consequences and may affect the patient’s eyesight.