12th December, 2022
(Constituent Unit of Malwanchal University)
One day seminar on ” ADVANCES IN IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY” on 12th December 2022 (A Brief Report)
The Department of Pathology, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (IMCHRC), Indore had organized a one-day offline Seminar on “Advances in Immunocytochemistry” on 12th December 2022. The seminar aimed at providing information to faculties and PG Residents about uses of advanced immunocytochemical techniques.
Dr Sanjeev Narang, Prof. and Head of department of Pathology, IMCHRC and Pro-Chancellor Malwanchal University, Indore was the Organizing Chairperson. Dr. Neha Jaiswal Scientific Officer, IMCHRC and organizing secretary coordinated and arranged this seminar. The inaugural ceremony commenced welcoming of guest by offering bouquet by Dean Index Medical College, Dr. G. S. Patel Sir, Dr Maheep Bhatnagar, Retd. Dean and Head, dept. of Zoology, UCOS, MLSU, Udaipur was the resource person who provided detailed information about the topic to all the participants. He explained that immunocytochemistry technique is used in the search for cell or tissue antigens that range from amino acids and proteins to infectious agents and specific cellular populations.
Dr Bhatnagar explained that immunocytochemistry (ICC) uses monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for the detection of specific antigens in tissue sections and is an extraordinarily powerful tool in the armamentarium of the diagnostic surgical pathologist. ICC is an important application of monoclonal as well as polyclonal antibodies to determine the tissue distribution of an antigen of interest in health and disease. It is widely used for diagnosis of cancers because specific tumor antigens are expressed de novo or up-regulated in certain cancers. He also explained how ICC plays an important role in pathology, particularly in the subspecialties of oncologic pathology, neuropathology, and hematopathology. He emphasized that in autopsy pathology while basic histological examination of tissue is considered a useful and necessary component ICC may provide a greater insight.
The procedures for IHC and ICC were also explained by him. IHC requires the availability of biopsies; these are processed into sections with a microtome and then the sections are incubated with an appropriate antibody. The site of antibody binding is visualized under an ordinary or fluorescent microscope by a marker such as fluorescent dye, enzyme, radioactive element, or colloidal gold, which is directly linked to the primary antibody or to an appropriate secondary antibody. After the deliverance of lecture the participants were shown some original slides of outstanding immune staining work done by Dr Maheep on projector. The event was a big success with total participation of 120 candidates including Faculties, PGs and interns. No fee was charged from the participants.
To assess the effectiveness of the training program, different evaluation methods were employed during the training program such as pre & post evaluation test and feedback from the participants. The results of pre and post self-assessments revealed participants knowledge and understanding of subjects that were enhanced after the training. Further, the participants reported that the seminal was relevant to their work and enhanced their knowledge and skills and they were very satisfied with the overall arrangements and organization of the seminar and enjoyed the seminar atmosphere and learnt a lot.
The event was summed-up with a valedictory session chaired by esteemed dignitaries. Certificates were distributed to all the participants after successful completion of workshop.