Seminar under IQAC on Constitution of India
07th December, 2019
A seminar on the Constitution of India was s
uccessfully organized by Malwanchal University. Malwanchal University is aware that it is essential to increase the consciousness about the National identities and symbols among students. It is with this objective in mind that Malwanchal University officials felt that the Fundamental Rights and Duties of an Indian citizen should be reinforced in the minds of the students of Malwanchal University.
The draft of the constitution of India was approved 70 years ago and it is through this Constitution that India demonstrates its democratic existence. India is moving uphill on its democratic platform.
Constitutional Rights enshrined in the Constituion were highlighted by Shri N.K. Tripathi (Vice-Chancellor, Malwanchal University) in this seminar. Shri N.K.Tripathi, Vice-Chancellor expressed his views on the Constitutional Rights in this seminar. The six fundamental rights given in the constitution were discussed with examples. Shri Anil Kumar Srivastava (Lokpal, Malwanchal University) described in detail the fundamental duties highlighted in the Constitution of India. The seminar was concluded with the detailed thought provoking description of the present scenerio of the Indian Democracy by Shri Anil Trivedi (Senior Advocate and Social Worker). This programme was organized and conducted by Dr. S.M. Holkar (Dean, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Malwanchal University). The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Dr. S.M. Bamne (Professor, Dept. of Physiology, IMCHRC, Malwanchal University).
Teaching faculty and students of all constituent institutions of Malwanchal University attended this seminar and listened and interacted with the speakers with immense interest.